The God and villagers

Gods and Villagers

All about the gods and villagers

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About the Gods

General God Info

Are you a blessing, or a curse? As the god, you are in control of all the towns and villagers that believe in you. You are also in control of your creature. What is your creature? To find out, view The Titan page. As a god, you can also cast miracles in your influence.

Your influence is the area of the color of you, in main game, you will be the color red. In land 2, you can also cast miracles in your allies influence, Khazar. What are miricles? View the Miricles page. With the miracle, you can be out of your influence for a bit, the further you go out of your influence, the less time you have.

Since you are a god, you can build. With 1 scaffold, a Small Adobe, 1500 units of wood required. With 2 scaffolds, you can make a Large Adobe, witch can take anywhere from 1800 units of wood to 1900 units of wood. With 3 scaffolds, you can build a Civic Building, such as a Village Store, graveyard, and a workshop, these can take from anywhere between 2000 units of wood to 4000 units of wood. With 4 scaffolds, you can make a Field, of witch you can get food from, it takes 2000 units of wood. With 5 scaffolds, you can make a New Village Center, this is required to make a new town, it takes 6000 units of wood to make. With 6 scaffolds, you can make a Miracle Dispenser, witch you can store your miracle that you have ready and make it a one-shot. With 7 scaffolds, you can make a Wonder, these are the ultimate buildings, but they take 40,000 units of wood. And (if you downloaded it) with 8 scaffolds you can make a soccer field, but this can only be built in skirmish games. This is just some of the things you can do as The God.

Bordolar Bonecrusher

The Other Gods
Yes, in black and white you are not the only god (other-wise it would be darn boring)

There are three gods other than you in Black and White. One is your ally and his name is Khazzar. 1 of the other 2 is Lethys. The 2nd is Nemesis.


Khazzar is the god that opens the portal for you when Nemesis attacked you in Land 1. Khazzar teaches you how to use and make miracles (Miracles are talked about in more detail on our miracle page). He even gives you your own village for free. He also teaches you how to take villages. In addition, he allows you in his realm (the area inside is influence). After you take over 1 or 2 of Lethys's villages, Nemesis will open a portal and uses the miracles called fireball increase and mega blast to destroy Khazzar. You won't have anymore allies in the game. But don't worry, Khazzar would have taught you enough to finish the game if you cliked on all the gold and silver story scrolls.


Lethys is Nemesis's ally. When you click on a gold story scroll, Khazzar will ask to help him conquer Lethys. After Khazzar is destroyed, you will have to destroy Lethys on your own. Lethys won't protect the first village you try to take over, but the rest he will defend. The physical shields are easy to see, but watch out for spiritual shields, they're almost transparent. After you beat Lethys in Land 2, he'll go back to another land where he has a 2nd temple, there you'll have to defeat him again.

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